Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Oubache State Park

Yesterday morning the boys and I packed up a lunch and headed to the state park.  We only live about 5 minutes away which is wonderful.  Before I left I made up scavenger hunt lists for both boys.  Brenner's was for small things he could pick up or feel.  Owen's list was a photo hunt. If I'd been thinking I would have taken a pic of both papers before letting my children put there grubby hands on them, but I didn't.  Examples of things on B's list were: Something shiny, two types of leaves, something fuzzy, a stick, etc.  On O's list were things like: a blue flower, a stream, something red, a buffalo, etc. 

We got to the park and I flashed my park pass before heading for the fire tower.  A trip to Oubache is just not complete until you have climbed the tower.  Owen made it to the second landing before deciding that was high enough and he would wait on the ground for us.  So B and I finished the trek to the top without him.

Ok, that's high enough

View from the top

It's kinda scary, but not really scary up here!

Owen waving up at us

Come on Mama!

After that we headed towards the wildlife enclosure for our hike disguised as scavenger hunt!  We walked for over and hour and a half.  Brenner found everything on his list and Owen found almost everything.  They did get a bit weary towards the end, but I didn't blame them I was worn out too!

something red

a buffalo

an uprooted tree

Oh cool!  A Luigi pinecone mustache!

Almost back to the car!!

Once we reached the car we grabbed our lunch and found a picnic table in the shade.  We enjoyed our PB (or in b's case sunbutter) and peach butter sandwiches, chips, apples, cookies, and Little Debbie donuts (yeah, I may have overpacked the food!).  Then it was time to clean up and head home.  All in all, it was a great little mini trip!
Mmm, lunch!

It's me, Luigi!

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