Sunday, July 29, 2012

IronKid Triathalon

Yes, this happened over a week ago.  Yes, I have been meaning to get this posted.  No, I just didn't find the time.  ;)

I am so proud of both of my boys.  They both tried their best and neither one stopped during the whole thing. They didn't place in the top three, and while they were upset they didn't get trophies, I was still so impressed they both finished. 

The race started with some swimming.  Brenner swam the width of the pool, while Owen had to swim the width of the pool twice.

After climbing out of the pool they had to race over to their bikes and put on socks, shoes, and their shirt with their race bib. They then biked just over a mile through town over to the 4-H park.

Once the got to the 4-H park they parked their bikes and took off running.  The route was just over 1/2 mile.  I got to run with Brenner for the biking and the running portion before circling back around to finish the run with Owen.  (I was one tired mama!)

All the participents recieved a medal for finishing. Their were over 100 kids that participated in the event this year! And we are already discussing training for next year's event! :)

After the race we interviewed with the paper (the boys had 2 articles covering their training and finish, including pictures!! They are famous!).  Then this exhausted mama took them home and made them play quietly so I could nap.  Did I mention I'd worked 3rd shift and come straight to their race?  Yeah, I'm just that awesome!  

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