Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Fort Wayne Children's Zoo

Ok, I'm behind again.  We have checked off quite a few things in the last few days, I just haven't had time to sit down and put them on this blog. 

Last Friday we went to the zoo.  We got there early since I worked 3rd shift that night and needed to get a nap in after the zoo and before work!  It started off chilly (who would have guessed!) and misty, but turned into a gorgeous day.

Owen insists he is a monkey, so first we had to stop and check out his monkey mom and dad.  He claims the monkey king is also his monkey dad.  Yeah, I know, he's a bit odd.  But he's cute. 
Everything after that is a bit of a blur.  I'm pretty sure that they were far more interested in riding the rides than seeing the animals.

The Fort Wayne zoo is one of our favorite places to visit in the summer.  It's so interactive and there is always plenty to do!!

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