Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Olympic celebrations

Saturday morning we were lucky enough to get to participate in our town's Olympic Torch relay.  B decided he was not really interested in running the leg with O, so Owen ran his 1/4 mile stretch alone. The participents ran down the river greenway and back to Pickett's Run park where they got to light a 'real' torch and have some snacks (which of course were my kids favorite part!)

Almost time to run!
Run Owen, run!!

Almost there!

Lighting the torch in the park!

Before Owen ran I told him to run fast and not goof around because other people were waiting for the torch.  I told him he didn't have to sprint the whole way, just don't goof around.  In Owen's head this translated to SPRINT AS FAST AS YOU CAN!!!  The poor kiddo fell over after handing the torch off.  He did recover in time to run part of the final leg to the torch pit.

This event was part of a national movement called Let's move.  Bluffton is one of the cities that has been featured on the page!  How cool!

The boys and I also decided to do an Olympic medal count this year.  We made flags for the USA, Norway, and Ireland (I picked the other two countries for part of our heritage). Then we cut out circles to represent 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place finishes.  Each day we check the medal count and add circles under our flags. 

Today we decided that we needed the Olympic rings above our flags so we colored paper plates to match the rings, cut out the centers of the plates, and arranged them above the flags!

I'm loving finding ways to get the boys more interested and involved in the Olympics!

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