Monday, July 30, 2012

Science Central

I'm seriously trying to get caught up here! 

Last Tuesday we got to visit Science Central.  I had a Groupon (Bonus!) so we all got to go for pretty cheap.  (If you don't use Groupon, you really should check it out! )
The boys really loved Science Central.  I feel so blessed that there are so many great family things to do in our area!

(Sorry for the tiny pics.  I was a bad mom and forgot the camera.  Thank goodness for smartphones!)

3-D Mars

Watching the 'movie' in the wheel

Both boys loved the space section!

My little shorty

Playing with the air rocket

It didn't take long to go through the building, and we say just about everything, but they had a great time.  Add in the discount and it was a day well spent.  We also went to brunch as a family before hand!

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