Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Last Day of Summer Break

Today is our last official day of summer break.  The boys both go back to school tomorrow. So we have spent today and yesterday checking off one last thing on our list: Harry Potter movie marathon.  Yes, I'm turning my kids into Harry Potter nerds early.  Owen is even working on the books right now. I figured this is a good way to rest up before starting classes again.  Plus it gives me a good excuse to sit and cuddle them!! 

As we have been looking over our summer list there are a few things that didn't get done.  There are a few things we couldn't get done.  But there are a LOT of things checked off!  I am so thrilled that this wasn't our normal 'sit around summer'.  We've visited new places, had fun experiences, and even learned some stuff along the way (I am so sneaky sometimes!). 

As a matter of fact, this summer was so successful that we are planning to make a list for the fall!!  Obviously we won't be able to do nearly as much, but there is plenty we can do, including a few things we didn't get to this summer!  I'm very excited to start this next list.  Almost as excited as I am to have my quiet house back.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Oubache State Park

Yesterday morning the boys and I packed up a lunch and headed to the state park.  We only live about 5 minutes away which is wonderful.  Before I left I made up scavenger hunt lists for both boys.  Brenner's was for small things he could pick up or feel.  Owen's list was a photo hunt. If I'd been thinking I would have taken a pic of both papers before letting my children put there grubby hands on them, but I didn't.  Examples of things on B's list were: Something shiny, two types of leaves, something fuzzy, a stick, etc.  On O's list were things like: a blue flower, a stream, something red, a buffalo, etc. 

We got to the park and I flashed my park pass before heading for the fire tower.  A trip to Oubache is just not complete until you have climbed the tower.  Owen made it to the second landing before deciding that was high enough and he would wait on the ground for us.  So B and I finished the trek to the top without him.

Ok, that's high enough

View from the top

It's kinda scary, but not really scary up here!

Owen waving up at us

Come on Mama!

After that we headed towards the wildlife enclosure for our hike disguised as scavenger hunt!  We walked for over and hour and a half.  Brenner found everything on his list and Owen found almost everything.  They did get a bit weary towards the end, but I didn't blame them I was worn out too!

something red

a buffalo

an uprooted tree

Oh cool!  A Luigi pinecone mustache!

Almost back to the car!!

Once we reached the car we grabbed our lunch and found a picnic table in the shade.  We enjoyed our PB (or in b's case sunbutter) and peach butter sandwiches, chips, apples, cookies, and Little Debbie donuts (yeah, I may have overpacked the food!).  Then it was time to clean up and head home.  All in all, it was a great little mini trip!
Mmm, lunch!

It's me, Luigi!

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Road Trip!!

I must have been temporarily insane to have decided to take a road trip with both boys.  By myself.  Yeah, temporary insanity sounds about right.  But I will admit that they were very good and we had a blast!!

We started our trip in Marion where we went to the Splash House.  The boys abosolutely LOVED the wave pool.  I thought I would have a heart attack.  If you've ever tried to keep track of one runner in a crowd of thousands, or maybe pick out one particular kitten in a litter of eight identical cats... That's almost what it was like.  Owen seemed to have no regard for his mother's heart health as he dived into the waves and got knocked over and wandered deeper into the pool only to be thrown back again.  Despite repeated attempts to interest both kids in the lazy river and/or the little playground, they both insisted on returning to the waves.  Thankfully Brenner was happy to stay near me!

This was another Groupon deal.  I had already paid, but it was only $9 for the 3 of us, but at only $5 per person without a discount, it is still very affordable!!  You can't take coolers inside so we bought lunch there: a hot dog, a slice of pizza, nachos, a bottle of water, and a small fountain pop for $8.  Not too shabby at all!!

After we were done and I had burnt my shoulders we stopped for ice cream in town to see of of Owen's best friends.  They were practically inseperable from the time they started preschool together at 3 until they moved right after Kindergarten.  The boys were excited to see each other and I got to catch up with a friend as well!  Bonus!

Next it was off to the hotel in Indy.  We stayed at a Drury Inn on the northeast side of Indy.  I had planned to find a restraunt nearby, but with free food for us all, and free adult beverages for me, I figured we would be just as happy staying put.  And by we, I mean me. 

(I love how there are 3 pillows on the bed and they are sharing one)

After dinner we went swimming.  Again.  What can I say, I have fish for kids.  They loved that the pool was indoor/outdoor and could swim outside and back in again.  Plus it had a hot tub.  Heaven!

After I finally pried my water logged kids from the pool we stopped to get popcorn (more 'free' goodies from the hotel!) and went back to the room where we watched a movie on Disney.  I'm pretty sure we were all asleep by 10:30pm.

The next morning we got up and enjoyed our hotel breakfast before heading to the Indianapolis Children's Museum.  We spent about an hour there before taking off for Anderson.  I love having a year long pass!! 

After the museum we were off to Colts Camp in Anderson!!  Woo Hoo!! 

When we got there I bought footballs for both kids to get signatures on in the Pro Shop.  Then we hit Colts City.  There was all sorts of stuff to check out including a trailer with Colts history, tons of vendors giving away free stuff (yay chocolate milk, even if it was 90 out!), and the Kid Zone.

Then we got to watch some of the practice.  Owen got to see his favorite player (Austin Collie) and so did Brenner (Pat McAfee).  We talked to some of the other fans while we waited and tried to stick to the shade until practice was over.

Once practice was over we waited not so patiently for autographs!  We had a bit of melt down because Owen didn't get Austin Collie's autograph, but I've promised to go back and try to get it for him (twist my arm!!).  Both boys did get Donald Brown's signature and O got T.Y. Hughes as well.

All in all, it was a fantastic trip.  We had fun. We had new experiences. We laughed.  I'm just not sure how it gets better than that!!

Zucchini Lasagna

Ok, so this isn't about what the boys and I have done, but a recipe I tried tonight.  My youngest hates noodles.  I know, he's not quite right.  I mean, the kid won't eat mac and cheese.  What 6 year old won't eat macaroni and cheese?? Oh, that's right my child.  Because I could live on nothing but pasta.  <sigh>  Anyway...

So I used this recipe for my inspiration but tweaked it some. 

1lb hamburger
3 cloves garlic, pressed
2 26oz jars spaghetti sauce
2 medium - large zucchini
16oz ricotta
1 egg
8 oz grated parm
8oz mozzarella pearls
8oz shredded mozzarella

I browned the burger with the garlic and stirred in one of the jars of sauce.  I turned the grill on and briefly heated the zucchini, just enough to soften it.  I sliced it the long way and layered it between paper towels after lightly salting it to draw out the moisture. I let that sit for 10-15 min and patted it dry. I mixed the ricotta, egg, and half the parm in a small bowl.I used a foil pand and put a layer of the meat sauce with a bit of sauce from the second jar on the bottom. Next I put down a layer of zucchini, followed by the ricotta mixture and a few pearls.  I continued layering with the rest of the ingredients.  I topped it with the rest of the parm and the shredded mozzarella.  I covered it in foil and placed it on the grill keeping it heated to about 350-375 degrees. After 45 min I uncovered it and let it cook for another 20 min.  I then took it off the grill and let it sit for about 15 min.

I'd probably make a few changes.  1) I'd use a bit less sauce and 2) I'd slice the zucchini into rounds using my mandolin rather than try and do it by hand!  Oy.

This was a big hit!  Brenner even ate it all! It was a great way to get a lot of veggie nutrition in, even if I ruined it a bit with all the cheese.  I am definitely making this again!!

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Olympic celebrations

Saturday morning we were lucky enough to get to participate in our town's Olympic Torch relay.  B decided he was not really interested in running the leg with O, so Owen ran his 1/4 mile stretch alone. The participents ran down the river greenway and back to Pickett's Run park where they got to light a 'real' torch and have some snacks (which of course were my kids favorite part!)

Almost time to run!
Run Owen, run!!

Almost there!

Lighting the torch in the park!

Before Owen ran I told him to run fast and not goof around because other people were waiting for the torch.  I told him he didn't have to sprint the whole way, just don't goof around.  In Owen's head this translated to SPRINT AS FAST AS YOU CAN!!!  The poor kiddo fell over after handing the torch off.  He did recover in time to run part of the final leg to the torch pit.

This event was part of a national movement called Let's move.  Bluffton is one of the cities that has been featured on the page!  How cool!

The boys and I also decided to do an Olympic medal count this year.  We made flags for the USA, Norway, and Ireland (I picked the other two countries for part of our heritage). Then we cut out circles to represent 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place finishes.  Each day we check the medal count and add circles under our flags. 

Today we decided that we needed the Olympic rings above our flags so we colored paper plates to match the rings, cut out the centers of the plates, and arranged them above the flags!

I'm loving finding ways to get the boys more interested and involved in the Olympics!

Monday, July 30, 2012

Science Central

I'm seriously trying to get caught up here! 

Last Tuesday we got to visit Science Central.  I had a Groupon (Bonus!) so we all got to go for pretty cheap.  (If you don't use Groupon, you really should check it out! http://www.groupon.com/r/uu11270899 )
The boys really loved Science Central.  I feel so blessed that there are so many great family things to do in our area!

(Sorry for the tiny pics.  I was a bad mom and forgot the camera.  Thank goodness for smartphones!)

3-D Mars

Watching the 'movie' in the wheel

Both boys loved the space section!

My little shorty

Playing with the air rocket

It didn't take long to go through the building, and we say just about everything, but they had a great time.  Add in the discount and it was a day well spent.  We also went to brunch as a family before hand!