Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Last Day of Summer Break

Today is our last official day of summer break.  The boys both go back to school tomorrow. So we have spent today and yesterday checking off one last thing on our list: Harry Potter movie marathon.  Yes, I'm turning my kids into Harry Potter nerds early.  Owen is even working on the books right now. I figured this is a good way to rest up before starting classes again.  Plus it gives me a good excuse to sit and cuddle them!! 

As we have been looking over our summer list there are a few things that didn't get done.  There are a few things we couldn't get done.  But there are a LOT of things checked off!  I am so thrilled that this wasn't our normal 'sit around summer'.  We've visited new places, had fun experiences, and even learned some stuff along the way (I am so sneaky sometimes!). 

As a matter of fact, this summer was so successful that we are planning to make a list for the fall!!  Obviously we won't be able to do nearly as much, but there is plenty we can do, including a few things we didn't get to this summer!  I'm very excited to start this next list.  Almost as excited as I am to have my quiet house back.

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