Saturday, August 4, 2012

Zucchini Lasagna

Ok, so this isn't about what the boys and I have done, but a recipe I tried tonight.  My youngest hates noodles.  I know, he's not quite right.  I mean, the kid won't eat mac and cheese.  What 6 year old won't eat macaroni and cheese?? Oh, that's right my child.  Because I could live on nothing but pasta.  <sigh>  Anyway...

So I used this recipe for my inspiration but tweaked it some. 

1lb hamburger
3 cloves garlic, pressed
2 26oz jars spaghetti sauce
2 medium - large zucchini
16oz ricotta
1 egg
8 oz grated parm
8oz mozzarella pearls
8oz shredded mozzarella

I browned the burger with the garlic and stirred in one of the jars of sauce.  I turned the grill on and briefly heated the zucchini, just enough to soften it.  I sliced it the long way and layered it between paper towels after lightly salting it to draw out the moisture. I let that sit for 10-15 min and patted it dry. I mixed the ricotta, egg, and half the parm in a small bowl.I used a foil pand and put a layer of the meat sauce with a bit of sauce from the second jar on the bottom. Next I put down a layer of zucchini, followed by the ricotta mixture and a few pearls.  I continued layering with the rest of the ingredients.  I topped it with the rest of the parm and the shredded mozzarella.  I covered it in foil and placed it on the grill keeping it heated to about 350-375 degrees. After 45 min I uncovered it and let it cook for another 20 min.  I then took it off the grill and let it sit for about 15 min.

I'd probably make a few changes.  1) I'd use a bit less sauce and 2) I'd slice the zucchini into rounds using my mandolin rather than try and do it by hand!  Oy.

This was a big hit!  Brenner even ate it all! It was a great way to get a lot of veggie nutrition in, even if I ruined it a bit with all the cheese.  I am definitely making this again!!

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