Friday, June 22, 2012


It's been a busy week here.  We painted the living room the first part of the this week.  Then I worked the last few days.  So today it was time to get something else checked off the list. Since I just didn't have the energy to take them to Greekfest like I had wanted, we decided it was time to make Flubber!

I gathered the materials and took them outside since it's way too nice to be inside.
I poured 8oz of glue into a bowl and then filled the bottles with warm water.  I mixed 1 tsp of borax into 1/2 cup water.  I also brought out some yellow food color and a couple spoons. I considered adding the contents of a glue stick, but wanted to test the recipe first, so maybe next time!

I had the boys shake the water filled glue bottles and then pour them into glue.

Then we stired in the yellow coloring.

We added the borax mixture and dove in!

Once it's all mixed together you get Flubber!!

I think the boys spent a good hour playing with it before putting it away for the day.  It is definitely an activity I plan to do again.
Web hand!

Flubber marble

Flubber mommy

Flubber Sandal

And as an added bonus...
It makes Fart Noises!!


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