Monday, June 4, 2012

Indianapolis Children's Museum

Check the first thing off our list! 

We went to the Children's Museum in Indy today.  We took off for Indy this morning with bright sunny skies, but hit some rain about the time we reached the city.  Between that and the construction it took a bit longer than planned, but no matter, we got there in plenty of time for a full day of fun. 

We parked and took the skywalk over to the museum.  Owen (8) was in charge of the camera most of the day.  So of course we had to stop for a picture.

I decided that we might as well get a membership because even if we only go twice it pretty much pays for itself.  And I found out I got a discount for working for IU Health.  Bonus!  The kids love the entryway since there is a dinosaur comeing through the window, not to mention a big statue of Bumblebee.

We met up with some friends and decided the first place we needed to visit was the Lego exhibit!  There were some really awesome creations there.  There were also posters and Minifig cutouts everywhere.  And of course plenty of legos to build with in all different sizes.

Owen was in heaven.  Brenner on the other hand would not leave my side.  After about 20 minutes he said there were too many people and he was ready to go.

On to the Hot Wheels for Real exhibit!  It was car heaven.  They had all sorts of hot wheels to look at, plus to real cars too!  There was even a giant ramp to send the little cars down (complete with a short slide down for the kids).  I tried to convince the boys I needed the diamond covered hotwheel for my birthday, but I don't think I convinced them.

We decided at this point that we were definitely ready to have some lunch.  I thought I was being so smart this morning and decided we would just bring sandwiches and some fruit.  I love that O is old enough to do a lot of stuff himself, so I gave him the responsibility of packing lunch for us.  He packed PB&J (or SunButter for B), grapes, cookies, and a Capri Sun for everyone.  Unfortunately he didn't put anything in a plastic baggie...
And then proceeded to pile the other food on the sandwiches.  Now he knows for next time.  So we ended up buying a few things from the cafeteria there.

We then headed to the Dinosphere.  We definitely spent the most time at this exhibit. We looked at fossils and eggs.  The boys dug for fossils.  We played games.  They crawled into caves and tunnels.  They even got to talk to a paelentologist about a real bone he was working with!  I'm sure we will be visiting that exhibit again the next time we go!

(the x-ray nerd in me loved looking at this bone close up!)

We then headed off to the section on Egypt.  The boys learned a few words in Arabic (Owen kept telling me his Ommi (mom) is beautiful... Aww!) They got to see what different rooms in their houses might look like, visit a marketplace, make 'silver' jewelry, and listen to different types of music.  All after taking a short 'flight' on a plane at the enterance!

Next we headed to the bottom floor to the Planetarium.  We didn't get to see a star program, but did get to watch a pretty cool show on flight.  The boys then got to turn a few pennies into souveniers and we checked out the blown glass tower from underneath!

Then we were off to be explorers with National Geographic.  We searched tombs in the pyramids, dug for and pieced together statues, and explored a sunken ship!
Oh no!  His head came off!

We decided to head up to the top floor to check out the science area for a little bit before calling it a day.  I think they giggled more during the last 1/2 hour finding hidey holes and playing in the water than at any other point in the day.  We had to bribe them with snacks in order to get them back down to the main level to go home!  But first we had to get a picture of the top of the glass tower.

And a picture with Peyton Manning!  Well, his cutout anyway!

Finally we were ready to head home.  The boys are already asking when they can go back.  But it sure was an exhausting day!

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