Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Laziness Strikes Back

Ok, ok.  It wasn't so much the 'do nothing' laziness that got me as it was the 'I don't have the time or the energy to post about things we've done' laziness that got me. 

We have stayed busy though!  Last week we went to Germanfest on Thursday.  We had brats, German potato salad, sauerkraut, and apple kuchen.  The kids loved the brats of course.  Neither would eat the kraut (although Owen claims to like it).  Brenner like the German potato salad.  Owen decided it was too sour though.  Of course they both loved the kuchen
Brenner enjoying his brat and kuchen

Smiley Owen

We then got balloon animals for both boys.  Owen got a white cat.  Brenner got the 'amazing dog who swallowed a meatball'.  The belly laughs from the dog alone were worth the $5 donation I gave!

Unfortunately I had to work the next day, but theydid get to make the 2-liter bottle sprinkler with Daddy.  That was a hit and so, so simple!  It cost about $4 to get a hose to hose adapter from Lowe's.  They poked holes in the bottle, attached it with the adapter to the hose, and Voila!  We have used it a few times so far and the boys love it! 
The bottle takes just a bit to fill, but then the water sprayes out pretty far!

Close up of the bottle and adapter.

 Plus my husband says it works fantastic in the garden too!!

We spent most of the weekend in the pool at Nana and Papa's house!  My children turn into fish over the summer, so they are plenty ok with that.  Even Uncle David joined the party on Sunday.  We have nicknamed him 'The Launcher' (not 'The Luncher' although that would work too) because he throws the boys higher in the air than Daddy does. 

The boys started summer camp through the park this week too.  They get tennis and swim lessons every morning.  Plus free play time in the park and a snack.  They are loving it so far! Monday they also spent the day with Nana and Papa since mommy and daddy both had to work.  Yesterday we went back to the library for more books and did some shopping for a few more projects.  Now we are prepared for the rest of this week!!

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